Work with Us!
Shanti-Chi are transforming into a power house of well-being. We work for the well being of the community and we need the support of the community for us to walk a path effectively. We need quality visonary trustees who want to be apart of this exciting local venture and international adventure skilled in Fundraising, Networking and Marketing. More than just skills we also want to share in the building of a community vibration. For the right canditates this will prove to be the best thing you can do right now with your time. We are looking for people who are connected in the best possible way, confident in their approach to life and visionary. Daalu!
If you are interested please give us a call so you can tell us what you are looking for.
Shanti-Chi are also looking for volunteers to assist in marketing, archiving, events management and administrative roles. They will recieve training on how to carry out these tasks successfully and will become part of the team which will; develop an international marketing strategy, organise and execute our events including the thriving Nne Agwu Afrakan storytelling festival and complete administrative tasks for day to day business. We are looking for enthusiastic, innovative and diligent people, who will benefit from the training and experience.
It is for 3-6 months and will require attendance to the weekly team meetings where we will discuss progress and ideas. Whether you are between jobs, need a reference, changing careers and need an opportunity or simply want to keep busy while the children are at school we would love hear from you! Find out more about Shanti-Chi, our events and our international project!
Land Acquisition
We are looking to acquire 40 acres and 2 horses to develop a permanent Nne Agwu Village, based around the themes and structure of the Nne Agwu Afrakan Storytelling festival. The land will have a meadow surrounded by woodland and rolling hills. The village will run on ecofriendly power sources and have an Afrakan fractul formation to it. There will be a food growing area, education centre where the participants are at the centre of their learning and storytelling at the foundation. There will be a well being centre and a market place where creative entrepreneurs will sell or exchange their products. There will be a stream running with clean water. It will be a creative space for the original melanin rich beings to develop the philosophy "self love is the revolution". And bring it to fruition. The revolution will be won!!!
There are number of ways you can support us via a:
Sponsorship Package or Become a Member or Fundraise on our behalf.
If you are interested please email info@shanti-chi.com to start the process.
Let’s get the whole community involved!