Nature Spirit Walks
9 Night walk meditation

A Ramble is a walk taken for pleasure, health and well-being in the natural countryside environment. Choose to empower yourself, overcome obstacles and gain a freedom like no other. Walk confidently amongst the trees and clear your mind, cleanse our spirit and energise your well being. Nature is ultimately here to make you feel balanced, empowered and free. Rambles are led by Griot Chinyere a trained and experienced expedition leader.
Make walking a regular habit for your well-being! In today’s busy world few people find time to commune with nature and reap the rewards. As we walk in circles, spirals, straight lines, around trees, up hills, along rivers, through caves at a meditative state, a meander, a quick pace listening to our heart beat, our breathe, we clear our mind, free our spirit and energise our well being. Nature ultimately makes us feel balanced, empowered and spiritually connected.
This is a special 9 night walk meditation with extra added, to strengthen our connection to divine cosmic wisdom so we can squeeze doubt out.

Limited spaces 6pm PROMPT meet outside Lewisham DLR STATION , please bring your oyster card for we will take a 22 minute bus ride to the woods. We will arrive in time to begin our session at 6pm PROMPT We will work our way through each of the elements of the 9 night walk ritual as outlined above. Each element will be repeated and built upon as we journey the ritual path. The more nights we can do the more likely we are to achieve the goal of squeezing doubt out to apply our gifts to achieve our souls purpose and live with joy in our heart. Make time, you are more than worth it!
If there was ever a period to honour all the love, light, and pleasure of earthly existence, it's the time leading up to the longest day of the year, the sun gazes directly into our being, filling us with the purest form of power and vitality. The seasonal shift prompts a revolution from within; a spark that sets on fire the entire forest of our soul.
One of the most useful and grounding ways of attending to our body is the practice of walking meditation. Walking meditation is a simple and universal practice for developing calm, connectedness, and embodied awareness. The art of walking meditation is to learn to be aware, to cultivate mindfulness and wakeful presence. Like anything it is best when practiced regularly. I leave the discipline to you! Join the free spirit night walkers and make it a regular habit.
During these walks we slow the pace right down enough to be present to each breath, each action, each movement and each step. These walks improve our balance, our focus encourage us to step out of our comfort zone. Enable us to overcome fears, connect with nature, stretch, meditate and hug a tree if we so desire. It is very healing.
Call or email trained & experienced expedition walk leader Griot Chinyere to confirm your attendance.
Prefer not to handle money so please make offerings to:
Bank details - Bank Name: HSBC
Sort Code: 400415
Account Name: maria theresa nwobani
Account no: 32249634
ref: Nightwalk (your name) Or
ref: Daywalk(your name)
Jurassic Coastal Path

Great uprising divine ones, affirming your spirit recieves self-love and adventure!
I often and regularly hear my people say, "I want to join you on a fantastic uplifting amazing spiritually inspired wow walk". I say "let this be the one!".
Read the information: Discover nature with expedition leader Griot Chinyere, Saturday 15th July 2023. This will be an all day walk along the Jurassic coastal path from Lime Regis to the golden cap and beyond.
£30 adults (18 years +) and
£18 for young people (15 years +).
TRANSPORT: We ask you to make a commitment to make offerings by 3rd July 2023, so we can calculate shared minibus cost compared to train travel costs. Travel costs and meeting place will be determined after 3rd July when everyone attending has made a commitment.
As an approximation:
with 9 participants we aim to book a minibus. Expect to pay about £50
with 7 participants and less we may opt for the train. Expect to pay £72+
Numbers limited to 12 participants.
Please make sure you read terms of use below. WhatsApp Griot Chinyere on (+447582228967) or email info@shanti-chi.com for tips wrt punctuality, food & suitable clothing. Tips to ensure a beautiful experience. Thank you!
please make offerings to:
Bank Name: HSBC
Sort Code: 400415
Account Name: maria theresa nwobani
Account no: 32249634
ref: jurassic (your name)
Look forward to hearing from you soon. Divinely yours Griot Chinyere Xxx

African storytelling, festivals, performances, griot, oral traditions, workshops, training, consultancy, outdoor expeditions

African storytelling, festivals, performances, griot, oral traditions, workshops, training, consultancy, outdoor expeditions

African storytelling, festivals, performances, griot, oral traditions, workshops, training, consultancy, outdoor expeditions, ramble

African storytelling, festivals, performances, griot, oral traditions, workshops, training, consultancy, outdoor expeditions
Prepare for the worst and expect the best!
PUNCTUALITY, We can not wait for late comers! Do yourself a favour, give yourself plenty of time to arrive at meeting place promptly. Better to arrive early. Prepare food and clothes the night before. email info@shanti-chi.com to register interest. Please do not call after the walk begins on the day as walk leader is focused.
Drink during the walk. Bring drinking water. Eat at the end of the walk unless otherwise stated. Bring fresh fruits, salads and veg, dried fruits, nuts generally seeds and healthy snacks. Bring Food to share! Please AVOID crisps, sugary sweets, meats, diary or fizzy drinks before, during and immediately after the walk, as these foods ARE UNHEALTHY and their consumption makes it hard to achieve calm and connect with your well being.
Wear loose clothing and 2 or more layers, top and bottom, depending on the weather. It is better to wear clothes a little too big than too tight. The warm air you generate when walking gets trapped in between the layers so when you stop moving for any reason there is a heat supply to keep you warm until you move again. unless we have the sun. It is more effective to wear many layers rather than one big layer. Bring scarf, gloves and spare socks. Wear clothes that allow you to be free. Jeans and corduroy can become heavy when wet and restrict your movemet when dry! It helps to bring a waterproof jacket and trousers.
Wear footwear that will allow you comfort for the duration of the walk about 2 hours. Walking shoes, walking sandals, walking boots or a good pair of wellington boots with a good pair of socks. It is all about staying warm, dry and comfortable.
Our feet get used an awful lot, but we neglect to stretch and exercise them. Five simple exercises that don't take time and you can do sitting at a computer, on a bus or train journey, in the woods, etc. for just 5 minutes to ensure happy feet for walking everyday -
1. Stand with your feet parallel, shoulder length apart. Slowly peel one foot off the ground starting with the heal, working your way to the toes, until it is just the tip of the toe on the ground. Then in reverse slowly push your foot back onto the ground until the whole foot is evenly distributed. Do the same with other foot. repeat 4 times. 2. Place a ball (tennis ball size) under your foot, making sure every part of your foot makes contact with the ball. Either do one foot at a time or sit down and do both feet together. 3. Flex and point your feet. 4. Turn your feet at the ankle, in both directions 9 times each way. 5. At the end of your day give your feet a massage with nice smelling oils such as lavender, rose, ylang ylang, If you don't have oils just simple give them a loving rub.
The kind of bag you carry is important to your comfort. I know it is just a couple of hours but it is wise to get into good habits when walking. That way the transition from half a day to all day to a whole weekend and longer walks become easier. A good size rucksack, with wide padded shoulder traps, wide padded waist strap and back padding. This means you can carry your food, spare clothes, spare socks, plastic bags, something to sit on and first aid kit with comfort.
For cleaning cuts, preventing insect bites and / or treating insect bites furnish yourself with essential oils; Lavender, Tea tree, St John's wort oil, lemon grass. Its always usefull to have water, cotton wool, tissues and or baby wipes
INITIATION 1These walking meditations have been designed as either a stand alone event or you can choose to challenge yourself to take the first steps to walking alone at night. If you want to know more about initiation 1, (where you learn to build the self confidence and self esteem to walk through the woods at night alone) then contact Shanti-Chi at info@shanti-chi.com. Looking forward to meeting your brave heart. Challenge yourself to do all 8 rambles over 8 months and on the 9th ramble, which we organise separately, challenge yourself to take a short walk alone in the dark with community support close by. The 8 walks will encourage you to get to know the lay of the particular woodland and build your confidence. The aim is to feel confident enough by the 9th ramble to walk solo through the woodland for between 10 - 15 minutes. These walks challenge you to face yourself and embrace your fears. By joining the free spirit night ramblers for regular walks you can achieve night walk initiation 1. Just to note you can take as many walks as you need to feel ready for the solo walk. Follow in the footsteps of Harriet Tubman, Kimpa Vita and other great warrior ancestors to gain freedom.