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With a CAN DO Attitude, raise the Funds we Need!

Shanti-Chi will run a 2 day sponsored walk to help raise funds to get us to Ghana so we can full joy the Nne Agwu retreat and start developing a permanent home for Nne Agwu village. Join us to raise funds with you. Read on... Divine energy

Why a Shanti-Chi 

Holistic Retreat

This sponosored walk is an opportunity to spend quality time with mother nature, challenge yourself and raise funds to support the growth of the Nne Agwu village. 


If you think you can not afford empowerment, think again. With a CAN DO WILL DO ATTITUDE and the pulling together, of our ideas, resources and skills  we create real opportunities for ourselves, our children and our community.


Let us be encouraged to take the sponsorship form and ask everyone that surrounds you: friends, family, children, neighbours, work colleagues - everyone and anyone you dare, to support you in this adventure. Everyone you like and even the ones you think don't like you. Ask them with a smile and see!


Remember to collect the money on the spot with a promise to complete the sponsored walk. Get smart phones out and pay directly online, paypal, come with your tin to collect cash. Be prepare to do well. You will receive a certificate on completion.


The sponsored walk is the event Shanti-Chi provides to support your fundraising efforts. 



Self Reliance is the key to empowerment, betterment and the manifestation of any vision you may have!


Lets practice self reliance from here on in! Join us and our can do attitude!


There other ways you can fundraise. Just think about what you are good at.

  • cake baking

  • cleaning

  • cycling

  • gardening

  • smoothie making

  • massage

  • ironing

  • babysitting

  • whatever skill you have put it to good use to raise funds for one of our powerful retreats


Look forward to making magic!


Practice UJAMAA - cooperative economics: To build and maintain our own shops, stores and businesses and to profit from them together!


The walk will be led by Griot Chinyere, an experienced expedition leader and oral traditionalist, using storytelling in nature as an empowerment tool for leadership and healing within the community.


Sponsored walks will be about 27 to 30 km over 2 day with wild camping along the way. We will Set a nice steady pace! We will meet at 6.30am at designated point. We will do a check to be sure we have all we need. A register will be taken. And a group warm up. Then we walk!


Once the walk has begun we will not be waiting for late comers. Be prompt! 


What to bring:



We will do a short exercise session to get us ready for the walk ahead. We want you to full joy the experience as well as challenge yourself. It is good practice to prepare the body. We will do cardio movement to stimulate blood circulation, warm up stretches and breathing exercises before setting off.  


  • FOOD

Bring drinking water, fresh fruits, salads, veg, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, healthy snacks and a vegan pack lunch to share. NO sugar, sweets, meats, dairy, fizzy drinks!



Prepare for all types of weather! Wear loose clothing and 2 or more layers, top and bottom. Wear clothes that allow your to be free in your movement. Carry a light water proof jacket, trouser and something waterproof for your head. An umbrella is always useful, no matter what time of year.



Wear comfortable walking shoes, walking sandals, walking boots or a good pair of wellington boots with good supportive socks.  



A comfortable ruck sack to carry your food, spare clothes including socks, plastic bags, something to sit on, and a first aid kit with ease. For long walks of over 2 hours, ensure the straps are wide and padded with a wide and padded waist strap and back padding.


Share your tent with someone so you can share in the load. Do your best to acquire the lightest of tents. You will be carrying your belongings.



The Adinkra symbol means transform your life by changing your behaviour. You are the author of your story. With self esteem and self-love YOU have the power to make a difference in your life and thereby inspire others to make a difference in theirs. 

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divine growth,

divine law,

divine energy, 

divine inity,

divine healing

divine love


All images and text are protected by copyright ©Shanti-Chi™ ©Nne Agwu™ ©Onwukamuche-Nwaubani™ ©GriotChinyere™

Shanti-Chi ©2010-2024

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