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Programme Frameworks

Best African Storytellers and Leadership Facilitators UK

Storytelling as a Tool...


The Storytelling programmes developed by Griot Chinyere and inspired by the oral traditions enables participants to understand storytelling in it's most basic forms and various guises. Everything is a story, from media to marketing and from court case to teaching. Storytelling is an effective and engaging way to relay information. The aim is to develop communications skills and enhance self esteem giving participants a new method of expression.


This framework is tailored collaboratively to incorporate personal/company ideas and aims, insuring the programme fulfils it's purpose.

Outdoor Expedition & Camp-Craft


The outdoor expedition programmes combine: survival skills and environmental awareness creating a perfect setting for team-building and exploring the health benefits of being in nature. A bespoke programme can be created especially for your work culture and or lifestyle.


Learning skills such fire making, tent erecting and shelter construction from natural materials, are central to the camp-craft. Dealing with map and compass reading is essential knowledge for an outdoor expedition.


We have venues we like to use, we are open to venues of your choice, whether it is a green wooded area or or park or the countryside*

If you are interested in booking one of these programmes for a group/organisation/school/ individual please email us!

All images and text are protected by copyright ©Shanti-Chi™ ©Nne Agwu™ ©Onwukamuche-Nwaubani™ ©GriotChinyere™

Shanti-Chi ©2010-2024

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